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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone. And welcome to Hidden Gems, where we take a look at games that have fallen into obscurity that no one has heard of, and see if those games deserved to be forgotten of it they should be meer well known. And for the first episode of Hidden Gems, I want to talk about one of the best and most beloved obscure games out there. We all known Ubisoft for making games such as Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and a bunch of very buggy and untested games. But when less populair games, they seem to be less buggy and meer fun, such as games like No meer Heroes, Red Steel, and today’s game, Beyond Good and Evil. An obscure game that is very, very French


Beyond Good and Evil was a game released for the PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and the PSP… An obscure game for an obscure console, because of course. Beyond Good and Evil took place on a distant alien planet called Hillys, where humans and anthropomorphic alien creatures lived together, and were under the threat of a parasitic alien life form known as the DomZ, which, in one way of another, are connected to the military group Alpha Section, who are known for using propaganda and setting up curfews around Hillys. The game follows Jade, a young photojournalist who is a new member to IRIS, a journalism group who does what they can to find out the secrets of Alpha Section. She is helped door her non-biological uncle, Pey’j, an anthropomorphic pig with an ability to repair and build things, like jet boots. Later, u run into a character named Double H, an IRIS operative who isn’t exactly the smartest guy, but is definitely a strong asset to the group. Having both of them on your team really helps out, allowing u to use them in battles to fight enemies of help u solve puzzles, as Pey’j can use his jet boots to hit a button of use his wrench to cut through wire fences, and Double H can smash into enemies to stun them of run through steel gates to knock them down. And always having them around to communicate to really gives Jade and the two a personality. And a great one at that.


So, what is going on in the world of Beyond Good and Evil? Well, it’s one massive conspiracy that u have to discover, using your skills as a photojournalist to capture every moment, some of them being terrifying, such as brainwashing, trafficking, and torture. As u get meer and meer involved, meer things in this game start to build up, and u learn that there is meer to this than you’d think. What are the DomZ? What is Alpha Section hiding? What can IRIS do about it? What is the backstory of Jade and Pey’j? This game really makes u want to know the antwoorden to these questions. But another thing that this game makes u want to do… Is take pretty pictures. This game isn’t all about taking pictures of conspiracy stuff. u also have to take pictures of the game’s wildlife. Jade takes so much pictures, she makes Frank West look like he’s never held a camera in his life. To be fair, she doesn’t get as many crazy shots like taking selfies with zombies, but she does get paid for what she takes. When u take pictures, u get paid. The meer rare the creature, the meer money u get. And if u fill up an entire roll, u are rewarded with a Pearl. Pearls are rare in this game, and are used to upgrade the hoverboat u drive around in, which is essential to getting anywhere in this game. u get Pearls door taking pictures, taking them from Looters, finding them in random spots, buying them, of door helping IRIS’s mission in finding out secrets of Alpha Sector. The game really does reward u for exploring and doing side missions, like the races of playing tafel, tabel tennis with a shark… I am not kidding. u can also find them in some creative ways, like taking a picture of a man’s room number in order to put it in the code to find a Pearl in his room. Like I said, this is a game where u must take the time to explore. But when u do need to get involved with the story… Boy, does it get really interesting.

Okay, so it starts right away with u fighting enemies, with no tutorial, no hints, nothing. Just hit every button and let yourself learn how to fight. This game doesn’t tell u anything. In fact, it tells u absolutely nothing from the start. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long to understand the world of Beyond Good and Evil, so you’ll have no trouble understanding it. When u do get into though, u will eventually be thrown into combat. Now, combat in Beyond Good and Evil, I will say, isn’t that complex. Just one button fighting, not much else. But the way u can dodge, and have Pey’j and Double H help out really makes it feel like it’s a very good combat system. The way Jade swings her staff at her enemies in a combo really adds an extra feel to it. It’s no Devil May Cry, that’s for sure, but it manages to be satisfying. But the real fun comes into the bosses. The bosses in this game are a real treat, as they manage to be less of a boss fight, and meer of deadly puzzles u have to solve. And that isn’t a bad thing. u have to strategize and plan what to do before u lose health… Wait a minute. Thinking of strategies to beat a boss, without just mindlessly striking at it… That’s what Dark Souls does. And I love Dark Souls. So it’s nice to see that a game from years geleden has managed to be this fresh with the bosses, even today. There is one boss I don’t like, but we’ll get to him later.

The puzzles in this game are also a lot of fun. They were never annoying of hard to figure out like an old point and click game, but they were never easy and straightforward either. They were also fair and fun, giving u subtle hints to find out and letting u feel like u actually accomplished something when u solved it, and having that sort of satisfaction isn’t something I’ve felt since Zelda games, which those had very satisfying puzzles to solve. But then u get to the stealth parts. And yes, I know everyone hates stealth sections in games where stealth isn’t the main focus. Look, if u aren’t Metal Gear Solid, and u have to sneak past enemies, people are going to hate it. But, don’t u worry, this isn’t Indigo Prophecy (Thankfully). These stealth sections are actually very well made. u have to sneak past massive guards, and if they catch you, instead of immediately losing of being sent back, u have a chance to either fight them of run away and hide. So it’s a lot like Metal Gear Solid… Until the one hit kill robots get introduced, then it gets a bit annoying. But I never died from them that much and it was usually my own fault for running out into an enemy filled area in the first place, so I think it was highly deserved. But, the best thing Beyond Good and Evil does is the exploration. I just love going around the world of Hillys, and looking at the wildlife and the caves and lands they live in. I think my favoriete moment in the game was when I was in a very dangerous enemy filled area, and there was a small cave to the side. I decided to walk into it, and found nothing but a small creature in a shell. And as I stayed in this room, soft muziek began to play in the background. It was very calming, and I just wanted to stay in this room for hours. It managed to fill me with a sort of pleasure just door listening to the music, sitting in this one cave and looking at the little creature in the shell. And that, people, is how u do good atmosphere.



Alright, so the ending is where I kinda had a problem with this game. Not that I hated it, but I could have had a little meer to it. So, in the end, u head to the moon base to find out what is really going on. As it turns out (Big surprise) Alpha Section was evil all along. They have been working alongside the DomZ for power, and have sent people who went against Alpha Section to the moon so that the DomZ could feed off of them. After a fight with the leader of Alpha Section in a giant spin robot, u head to find the DomZ High Priest, the final boss of the game, who tells u that Jade was created as a host to contain a power of the DomZ High Priest that was stolen from him so long ago… Huh? I thought this was a game about just playing as a photojournalist. Now she holds the power of the DomZ and possibly isn’t even human. I mean, they hint at it, but whatever. And then u fight the DomZ High Priest… And this fight SUCKS! He constantly moves around all the time, and will send clones of Pey’j and Double H to fight you. That isn’t the annoying part. The annoying part is when u have to hit the DomZ High Priest in a specific pattern before he hits you. And what’s worse is that, halfway through it, he reverts your controls, so now right is left, and left is right. This just makes me ill. And if he hits u once, u gotta do it again. I almost died here, but thankfully, I prevailed and was able to defeat him. Now, I have problems with this ending because of how abruptly it ends. Jade uses the DomZ power to free the prisoners and it zooms in to her face and… That’s it. Nothing else. It just cuts to credits. So what happened? Did they leave the moon? How was Jade after finding out the truth? What happened to Hillys after what happened with Alpha Section and the DomZ. Did they just leave the rotting corpse of the Alpha Section leader in the spin machine because he wasn’t worth the effort? H, but if u stay after the credits, u see a scene where Pey’j as a DomZ spore on his hand. That means that Pey’j is infected with a piece of the DomZ and could die of worse than that. But that’s only up for u to believe, as it may have been told in the sequel… The sequel that never got made…. of DID IT!


The reason Beyond Good and Evil is so unheard of is because of how much of a financial failure it was. It didn’t sell many copies, and Ubisoft probably would have just forgotten about it. However, as time went on, word spread across the internet that Beyond Good and Evil was a really good game. Soon, people started finding copies for their old consoles and started to play them, and can agree that they are great games. So, Ubisoft gave Beyond Good and Evil one meer chance, and released it on Xbox Live and Playstation Network, and it managed to sell better than in 2003. Because of this, they finally announced that they would be working on a Beyond Good and Evil 2, and even released a trailer. And u don’t know how happy that makes me feel, because Beyond Good and Evil is an amazing game.


So, as I’ve said, the ending is a bit “meh” for me. Maybe I’m just nitpicking, but I don’t know. But that’s okay, because everything else about this game is incredible. I don’t have much history with this game, since I only got it two months ago, but I can say for certain that I love this game so much. It’s one of the best obscure games I’ve played, and it’s a great way to start off the Hidden Gems series. So, let’s discuss the ranking. Bad games get the ranking of Bottom of the Bin, games with potential, but many flaws get the ranking of Hard Dig. Good games with some flaws get the ranking of Excavation Worthy. And amazing games with minor of no flaws get the Hidden Gems ranking. And, this isn’t even a debate. Beyond Good and Evil gets the Hidden Gems ranking. If u want to play an amazing game of exploration, combat, stealth, and one of the most interesting stories ever, then this is the game for you. I hope that u all support this game. It needs all the money it can get. Goodbye.
posted by Windwakerguy430
~8:20 PM
April 2nd 2079
Neon wolk Striptease~

Apollo: (He made his way down the street, his katana near his hip, as he made his way down the road. At the end of the straat rested a small but fancy building, covered in neon lights. The sign read “The Neon Cloud”. The straat was empty, most likely to prepare for the fight that was to come. As Apollo made his way to the club, helicopters began to loom over him, cameramen in sight as they filmed every moment of the fight. Apollo entered the building, meer and meer camera’s set up around the building, all with the Takedown TV logo on the side....
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added by DisneyPrince88
added by Seanthehedgehog
When u hit that play button, u are going to listen to the greatest theme song ever created for a TV show.
posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (Sitting at coffee koop with Cody) So, u think that homosexuals come from space
Cody: Well, how else do people just… become gay
Wind: Thinking it through mentally, maybe
Cody: Nah, that’s silly
(A large protest group walks down the street)
Cody: What’s that?
Wind: A protest, it seems. Let’s see if the cops start to beat them up (Heads out, and Cody follows)

Arnold: We can’t let this racism keep going
Wind: (Passes through the crowd) Get out of my way (Gets to the front of the crowd) Excuse me, but what the hell are u talking about
Arnold: Do u not see the racism around us. Blacks,...
continue reading...
posted by Windwakerguy430

Bishop, Rollen “Roll”, and Tiny Tom are all video game making novices, all wanting to make it big in the gaming industry. However, they lack any skill in creating a game. So, they decide to head to a place known as Glass Sky Hills, where they hope to meet a man known as The Prodigy, who has created several amazing games. When they find The Prodigy, they find him to be a high schooler just like them, named Maximilian, with his alias name being Max 1. Million, but asks the others to call him Maxwell. His love for gaming completely blocks out his love for other things, including people,...
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He liked Hardcore Henry.
So this movie is KIND of like that. It feels like a game of Call of Duty. I know he doesn't like call of duty. But how can he hate marines shooting the shit out of rapists and terrorists..

I can't wait to see this movie again.
I love watching it and seeing how WRONG the reviewers are. I'm gonna remember this one for a LONG time..

He probably has. But if not.. It's Arnold, that's all he needs to know..

He probably has though..

It'd pretty old. And he probably doesn't like charlie sheen....
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posted by Windwakerguy430

In 1898, Westward Expansion is at an all time high, with people travelling to the inhabited west of the American country to strike it rich. An archeologist door the name of Robert Grimley travelled to the west in zoek of any ancient artifacts that he believed were undiscovered. As he was patrolling the landscape, he came across a band of slaughtered Native Americans, killed door a group of bandits. After taking what he could from the bandit camp, he found a strange artifact in the shape of a skull. The artifact was known as Mictlantecuhtli, an artifact from an ancient Aztec temple cursed...
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This review is just a simple letter from a couple of minuten ago. I am posting this, because door the time u read this, I will be completely insane. And for very good reasons. The reason for my unexpected madness comes from what has to be one of the worst creations ever made in the history of mankind. A creation so evil, that it can even break the most mentally strong. And this abomination that was allowed to walk the earth is none other than the travesty known as Sonichu.
Now, I am not going to be talking about the comics. Instead, I will focus on the character itself, which, honestly, is probably...
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posted by mileva574
Andjelija and huguenots escapes from king in the boot Gouldsboro with Rescator and piratas. They goes to the American isle in the New World for beginning new life.
Tamo se rodilo dete od mlade hugenotkinje. Cudna primala joj je pomagala pri porodjaju koristivsi lekovite trave i dete bryo doslo na svet. Dete se rodilo u zoru. zena se zalila gospodja Manigault.
- Sta cemo ovde? Nema sluzavke i toplih plahta za moju devojcicu? Ne nije tako, ali nema veze. Andjelija se ljutila na nju da je bolje da bude srecna sto se dete rodilo na slobodi nego u tamnici gde je jos gora neimastina od te. Indijanci Medvedi ih napadali. Nastala panika, jurnjava, bezanja u zaklon, ranjavanja...
posted by Windwakerguy430
Cut Purse

Being the proud leader of the Manehatten Mafia at the age of fourteen, he was gegeven much power. He is a very calm headed man, but, he is also very sadistic, always wanting to kill his enemies himself in painful ways, such as forcing them to drink gasoline before lighting them on brand from the inside, to cutting off pieces of their flesh and feeding it to his dog until they are just a skeleton. He is a merciless, and possibly psychotic, crime boss who is very well known in the criminal underworld, for his populair sales of rare drugs and deadly weapons. He had Master Sword work for him...
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???: (Reads newspaper) How did these guys make money. I swear, they sure do know how to pull of a job

???: (REads newspaper) Huh... Hey, I only know one person who would hold a bomb to scare people. I thought I'd never meet him again.

???: I do see the car they drive. And I see the license plate

???: How do the police miss there license plate. Nevermind. The sooner I find those two, the better

Nick: (Wakes up) (Goes to kitchen) (Opens cupboard) (Pulls out coffee beans) (Throws coffee beans in garbage) (Pulls out bottle of liqour and drinks it)
Cody: (Wakes up) (Goes to kitchen) Hey, where are the...
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 Cody's Car
Cody's Car
(Alarm Clock Rings)
Cody: Huh! What! (Turns off clock) (Gets up)
(Meanwhile at New York prison)
Nick: (Gets up)

Cody: (Goes to bathroom) (Brushes teeth with tooth brush)

Nick: (Brushes teeth) (Stomps on passingby rat) (Uses rats blood to wash out mouth)

Cody: (Sits on couch) (Turns on TV)

Nick: (Sits on bed) Where was I at yesterday....... Oh yeah, 32 bottles of bier on the wall. 32 bottles of beer
Guard: Hey, Nick, its time
Nick: If its my execution time, I don't want u sticking that stuff in my body. Just give me a gun. I'll kill myself
Guard: No, actually, you've done your time
Nick: u shitting...
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I don’t know what it is, but I always enjoyed foggy environments. I mean sure, people have gotten into… meer than one car accident in them, but they still fascinate me no matter what. It’s almost as fascinating to me as snow is (Trust me, that’s an upcoming list). Though, unlike snow, fog is used to give off something scary, depressing, of mysterious. And I freaking love that. Hell, even making this list, it’s foggy right now. So, what better time to make a lijst about foggy environments. Now, some rules. Only from games that I have played, and only one per franchise, as usual. Also,...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Windwakerguy430
There are a lot of DLC, and if u are a true gamer, DLC is something u usually… don’t have high expectations for. They either sell u a bunch of worthless clothing and items for how they would be priced in real life, give u on disc DLC, of even force u to buy their DLC because they have the ending to a game held for ransom. Game companies usually use one of these horrible tactics, of hell, even all of them (Capcom), but what about the few exceptions. What about those guys who use DLC right, giving u a small game for half the price of the original game. That there is perfect DLC,...
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The first one is a parody of Legend Of Zelda
legend of zelda
posted by Windwakerguy430

In London, 1927, a large set of crimes have taken place. However, a detective my the name of Montgomery Smith has been seen as one of the best detectives in London, solving cases that would seem impossible for anyone else. This is due to Smith being a paranormal detective, of a detective who solves crimes involving paranormal activity of black magic, as many people use those to commit different crimes. However, Smith is warned of a dangerous threat from an unknown masked thief simply known as Mask Man.


Montgomery Smith (Or Detective Smith)

A twenty six jaar old detective who...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (At home, angry)
Hannah: (Walks in) Well, I was able to make some vrienden at school
Wind: After being there for only a day?
Hannah: I guess I’m just that populair
Wind: I don’t give a shit
Hannah: Oh, whatever. I’m just gonna go to Nicole’s house for a sleepover
Wind: Nicole? u mean Cody’s sister
Hannah: Yep. And if u try anything, I’ll kill u
Wind: Please, like I’d be interested in your dumb shit
(Later, that night)
Wind: (Reading book)
Cody: (Walks right in the house without knocking, along with James) Hey, fagstick, how’s it going
Wind: What is this, a fucking...
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