Harry potter and Percy Jackson RP The meeting between witch/wizard and demigods RP

pink-bookworm posted on Aug 01, 2011 at 11:31AM
Here is a RP.
Synopsis: new enemys are awakening for both sides and can they work with each other to succed?

To be a part..
Witch or wizard or are you a demigod
Wand or weapon
Godly parent if demigod

Witches/wizards so far
Blair Estal played by Sparkles3

Demigods so far
Cara played by Nicolicious
Arianna played by Cottonpop
Elizabeth (Liz) played by percy4firever
Alvin Hamilton played by Alvin2442
Akron D Texan played by Alvin2442

Both so far and yes you can be both.
Eliza jones played by pink-bookworm
Alexia l riont played by cinnamonbubble
Ali played by MCF2000
Ryan played by raiyan
Skyler Rose played by indigonova
Leaf played by percabeth_12
Arebella (Bella) played by -Aphrodidte-
The holder of the emerald key and ruby lock (shugo chara)
Dan Matthews played by silver78
last edited on Jan 02, 2013 at 07:30AM

Harry potter and Percy Jackson RP 3232 antwoorden

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Showing Replies 1851-1900 of 3232

een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
(I mean it's his old phone, he has an iPhone 5 now.)
I quickly finish off the griffon and get my bow ready.
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
The hissing get's louder and I tense. "Here they come!" I yell as the three sister gorgons come out from behind a bush.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
As we wait, I feel a shiver down my spine and whisper, "Hydra. It's a trap!"
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
With a flaming fist I hit my other hand. "We can take'em! Dragon Slayer Magic applies to Hydras, too."
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"I'm gonna Chara change. MIST!" I transformed and held out a staff swirling grey power."Let's go!"
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
I'll distract the thing!" I shout. I run towards it and slide underneath his belly. I slide my sword across his stomach and nearly get eaten by one of his many heads in the progress.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Cara! Careful! The middle head is immortal! Oh we could trap it..." I get lost in the thought then run toward bunker 9. "LEO!"
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"Dragon Slayer Magic...Designed to pierce the scales of a dragon..Or Hydra! For my magic, the middle head is no longer immortal!" I yell confidently. With a flaming fist, I hit the middle head and it goes down. "My magic also negates the Hydras ability to regenerate heads!"I yell. "I can take it! You guys take care of the small fry!"
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
I come back with Hephestus netting and throw it over all monsters. It immediately turns into a bronze cage and Dan and I incase it in water.
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"Ah, I would've enjoyed taking it down, but oh well,"I say.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Oh they are not done yet," I looked to the drowning monsters."Dan, Give me a jar of Greek fire, and cast the spell of eternal fire Eliza. " Once done, I merged the two flaming items together."Dan?..."
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"Got it.Throw it up in the air." She does and I jump up and eat it. "Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Dragon God's Brilliant Flame!" I yell. In one hand I have my normal red fire and in the other I have the Greek fire. I mix them together and the fire engulfs the Hydra.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
"Well that was surprisingly easy."
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"Yeah. Well if that's all it is, we're heading back." I say. When we get back, I hit the hay.
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
I go to my cabin.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
I follow Dan and say "You did good out there. I'm proud to have you as a brother." I clap him on the back and go to my iPod.
een jaar geleden pink-bookworm said…
(Can you guys control Eliza for now. I'm busy with writing, getting ready and talking to my boyfriend)
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
Kk. )

I wasn't that tired so I went online to design some outfits for my Chara's. Thee is a special website for all Chara needs called" Charanet"(I actually made Charanet in most of my Chara related story's)
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Umm, I thought you were asleep..." I look to him and see that he is."Okay...sleep talking...what else is new?"
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
I wake up and show her. "SEE!?"
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Ok then...Your telling me this why? I would have expected that since you've collected spoils of war already, you wouldn't be so excited. And how'd you wake up so fast?"
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"I dunno. But this Hydra head is the camp's second, that's why it's special."
een jaar geleden pink-bookworm said…
Is somewhere randomly
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"And it's the middle head!"
een jaar geleden pink-bookworm said…
"Why on earth is a hydra head the camps second beats me Dan"
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
I read a book. "Wow Dan is loud." I say to myself as I hear him shouting.
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
(In the Lightning theif Percy mentions there's a Hydra head in the attic)
I run up into the attic and put it there.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
I go with him and read a book as I wait.When he runs back down I say"You forgot to put a name tag" nonchalantly. He runs back up and comes down a few seconds later asking"How did you know?" I wave my hand and say "Mist..."
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"Okay...You seem off.Something wrong?"
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Just thinking about when Percy and Annabeth fell into Taturus. And I mean my Chara not the mist."
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"OH YEAH! What'dya see down there? Huh? Huh?" I ask. He hits me on the head. "Just wait till The House Of Hades comes out,"He says.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
?????u say Wha??????
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
(The House Of Hades, it's the next book)
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
(I knew that. I told you that at your place but I just didn't understand you)
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
I walk to our cabin.
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
I follow her.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Hey, don't tell Percy but I found his stash of goodies."I grab a coke and toss it to Dan. I pull out a cream soda crush and some candy bars as well.
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
"Ah, sorry I forgot to mention, I don't drink pop, I'll just take water."I throw it back to her.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Hey, remember the time Percy stole Dakotas Kool-aid..." I wave one then toss Dan a bottle of water. "Here,if you want. " I pass him some drink mix and open a bar of Crunchie.
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Good thing Percy goes to His and Annabeths secret place every night..." I grab my iPod and go online to a website Called Fanfiction.net. I was already logged on so I went on the story called 'Annabeth Chase vs The Internet' "It's a good story."
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
I sigh and walk outside with Pylos following me. That attracted attention.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
I hear footsteps so I go outside and see Cara. I invite, no, drag her into our cabin.
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
I get dragged into a cabin and hear Pylos whine seeing as he can't get in. "What in the name of Thanatos was that for?" I ask.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Chocolate." I hold a bar up and see immediately that I have hypnotized her.
een jaar geleden Nicolicious said…
"Chocolate." I mutter, my eyes wide.

(Gtg I'm tired...)
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Silver78 said…
I sigh.
een jaar geleden cinnominbubble said…
"Works everytime!" I toss her the bar and she greedily grabbs it like a life line.