679 lifetime gold
If Only These Perverts Knew They're Naked Under Their Clothes...
Shelby Gray
lid van fanpop sinds October 2010
- Female, 29 years old
- United States of America
- My Websites: A Place For Hard Yaoi Pics! *Warning*: This Yaoi Is Explicit!( I am NOT A Pervert! I Simply Find Nature Beautiful!), Good Yaoi Manga!, meer Yaoi!
- Favorite TV Show: DeathNoteFavorite Movie: Harry PotterFavorite Musician: Micheal JacksonFavorite Book or Author: XxxHolic
mijn muur

gaf me complimenten voor my images …
Nice drawing of Hiei!~ u should kom bij the hakusho club!~<3
geplaatst een jaar geleden

zei over Warrior of Light …
Lets look alive in this club! I'd like all fans to participate
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