170 lifetime gold
"Until u find something to fight for, u settle for something to fight against."
Katie K
lid van fanpop sinds September 2012
- Female, 26 years old
- The South
- Favorite TV Show: The Voice | Elementary | Dance Moms | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Avatar: The Last Airbender | Fairy TailFavorite Movie: The Hunger Games | Catching brand | Mockingjay Part 1 |Favorite Musician: Maroon 5 | Taylor snel, swift | Fall Out Boy | Imagine DragonsFavorite Book or Author: The Hunger Games trilogy | Percy Jackson and the Olympians | Warriors | Heroes Of Olympus | Survivors
mijn muur

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hallo KatieK, its been along time but I wanted to stop door and say hi! :)
My school has the website unblocked so I might be spending some meer time on here, see u around geplaatst een jaar geleden
My school has the website unblocked so I might be spending some meer time on here, see u around geplaatst een jaar geleden

zei …
You've probably moved on from this site door now, but in case not I wanted to schommel, swing door your profiel and say hi! ^^ I stumbled back onto this site almost a maand geleden and thought I'd give it another go, but everyone from StormClan and PantherClan seems to have fallen off the wagon within the last few months. It's sad that I left and didn't get to keep going with u all, but I've left a commentaar on StormClan and I'll be sticking around for a while just in case ;)
geplaatst een jaar geleden